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Reconstructive Surgery

Skin cancer surgery can leave behind a wound, and at Cornerstone Dermatology, we provide reconstructive surgery services.


Reconstructive Surgery

Skin cancer surgery leaves behind a wound that may require reconstructive surgery. Sometimes the wound is larger than a patient anticipated, which can lead to anxiety and fear.

Fortunately, many advanced options are available to repair a wound in order to return the surgical site back to normalcy. Skin flaps involve sliding nearby skin into the wound to fill the defect. Skin grafts involve borrowing skin from a separate location to repair the wound. In some cases, we may work in conjunction with a Plastic Surgeon or refer you to a hospital setting.

Dr. David Fieleke received extensive reconstructive surgery training during his Mohs surgery fellowship and can help you understand which option will be best for you. Restoring form and function is the goal, and we are committed to providing you with the best outcome possible.